The Canucks made an impressive second-period push, but it wasn't enough, as the Capitals found a way to win 2-1 in overtime.
Teofimo Lopez’s future with Top Rank is in doubt after reports he rejected an opportunity to fight Subriel Matias. Lopez holds the WBO Junior Welterweight Title after successfully defending it by beating Steve Claggett in his last fight.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Pascal Siakam scored 26 points, Thomas Bryant added a season-high 22 and two-time All-Star Tyrese Haliburton had 16 points and 13 assists in the Indiana Pacers’ 129-113 victory over the Chicago Bulls on Wednesday night.
Pierre-Luc Dubois scored twice, including the game-winner with 41 seconds left in overtime, as the Washington Capitals defeated the visiting Vancouver Canucks on Wednesday.
NASCAR asked a federal judge on Wednesday to dismiss the antitrust suit filed against the stock car series by two teams.
Taylor Heise scored her second goal of the season at 3:20 of overtime to lift the Minnesota Frost to a 2-1 victory over the Boston Fleet on Wednesday night.
Name: Nicholas McGarrity School: Peters Township Grade: Sophomore Sport: Wrestling McGarrity’s week: In his quest to win a second title in as many tries at the TriCADA wrestling tournament, McGarrity turned into a pinning machine. McGarrity won all four of his matches by fall, including a first period pin over Burgettstown’s Darius Simmons in the [...]
The Lakeview Huskies got the last of five last-minute lead changes to beat the Fraser Ramblers, 40-39, on Wednesday, Jan. 8 at home in a Macomb Area Conference crossover game.
Manchester Valley trailed Winters Mill going into the lightweight bouts, but won five of the final six matches to win Wednesday's dual.
Coaches may report scores by email to: [email protected].
QMJHL roundup: Mercer earns shutout for Voltigeurs in 3-0 win over Sea Dogs St. Albert Gazette
QMJHL roundup: Mercer earns shutout for Voltigeurs in 3-0 win over Sea Dogs Times Colonist
Yanko Design Best of CES 2025: Empowering People to Live Better Lives with AITrends come and go, but there are a few that manage to stick around a bit longer than others. Once a novelty, smartphones are now...
Customer success in SaaS is an approach that ensures that your relationship with customers goes beyond the initial sale phase. A well-designed customer success plan can make all the difference, as 61% of customers will switch to competitors after a single unsatisfactory experience.
Reputation management is vital for brand trust and customer retention in the digital age. This article explores proactive measures, crisis response, and tools like sentiment analysis and AI to build and protect brand reputation. A strong reputation enhances loyalty, reduces risks, and boosts business success.
베스핀글로벌은 보도자료를 통해 “이번 흑자 전환은 거시 경제의 불황 속에서도 AI MSP를 중심으로 한 전략적인 사업 구조 혁신과 수익 다각화를 위한 노력이 실질적인 성과로 이어진 것”이라고 설명했다.베스핀글로벌은 지난 7월, AI MSP 사업 중심의 전략적 조직 개편을 단행한 후 AI와 클라우드의 융합을 통한 고객 맞춤형 서비스를 강화하고 비즈니스 생산성 향상과 비용 효율화에 주력해왔다. 베스핀글로벌 “LLM 기반 AI 에이전트 플랫폼 ‘헬프나우 AI(HelpNow AI)’가 확산되면서 2024년 의미 있는 성장을 이뤘다”라고 전했다. 현재 한국수력원자력의 세계 최초 원전 특화형 생성형 AI 서비스 개발에 본격 돌입했으며, 지난해 울산교육청의 생성형 AI 교수 학습 플랫폼 ‘우리 아이(AI)’를 성공적으로 구축했다. 서울 성동구청의 ‘성동형 스마트 AI 민원 안내 챗봇’도 시범 운영 단계에 있다.앞으로 베스핀글로벌은 에너지와 공공, 교육 뿐 아니라 제조, 모빌리티, 금융, 관광, 고객센터 등 다양한 산업군의 헬프나우 AI 고객사례를 바탕으로 2025년에도 계속해서 산업별 AI 서비스 및 솔루션 사업을 더욱 활발하게 추진 예정이다.허양호 베스핀글로벌 한국 대표는 “이번 흑자 전환은 AI MSP로의 전환과 고객 중심의 맞춤형 서비스가 이끌어낸 고무적인 결실로 베스핀글로벌의 성장 가능성과 시장 리더십을 증명하는 중요한 전환점”이라고 전하며, “베스핀글로벌은 앞으로도 국내외 고객 및 파트너와의 협력을 강화하고 고도화된 내부 역량과 전문성을 바탕으로 AI를 중심으로 한 차세대 DX 선도 기업의 입지를 더욱 공고히 할 것”이라고 소감을 밝혔다.한편 베스핀글로벌의 공식 감사보고서는 베스핀글로벌 한국법인과 그 외 해당 자회사의 매출을 결산하여 올 3월 이후 발표될 예정이다[email protected]
QMJHL Roundup: Mercer earns shutout for Voltigeurs in win over Sea Dogs
On Wednesday, the Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS) said that its streaming platforms have reached another milestone.What Happened: The company's streaming platforms, Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+, have amassed approximately 157 million monthly active users globally who engage with ad-supported content.This figure includes 112 million users in the United States and represents an average over the past six months.The update was shared during the annual CES tech conference in Las Vegas.See Also: What’s Going On With FuboTV Stock After Disney Deal?While traditional television has established methods for measuring viewership, the streaming industry lacks a standardized approach for gauging global advertising audiences.Disney’s Advertising division has developed a methodology to estimate ad-supported audience ...Full story available on
Wish your would always show your watch face when you glance at it? Be default, Apple Watch will launch certain apps or show the Smart Stack based on your activity. If you prefer to always see your watch face, however, there are a few things to tweak. more...
Fierce wildfires are raging in the Los Angeles area, fueled by powerful Santa Ana winds , sending residents fleeing from burning homes through flames, ferocious winds and towering clouds of smoke.
IBM 파워시스템에서 S/4HANA를 운영하는 기업은 이제 SAP의 라이즈 관리형 애플리케이션 서비스에 액세스할 수 있게 된다. 라이즈는 지금까지 x86 서버에서 ERP 제품군을 운영하는 기업에 중점을 둬왔다.라이즈는 SAP가 클라우드 벤더와 협력해 단일 계약으로 애플리케이션 호스팅과 관리를 제공하는 서비스다. IBM은 2022년에 SAP 라이즈 클라우드 파트너가 됐지만, 기존에는 파워프로세서 아키텍처에서 S/4HANA를 운영하는 기업을 지원하지 않았다.IBM에 따르면 이런 방식으로 운영하는 기업은 SAP 고객사 43만 7,000곳 중 1만여 곳에 불과하다. 그러나 이들 중 일부는 30여 년간 IBM 파워 또는 이전 버전에서 SAP를 운영해 온 장수 고객이기도 하다.구체적으로 살펴보면, 올해 2분기부터 IBM은 ‘IBM 파워 가상 서버(IBM Power Virtual Server)의 라이즈 위드 SAP’를 제공해 기업이 온프레미스 파워 서버에서 클라우드로 SAP 애플리케이션을 90일 만에 마이그레이션하도록 지원한다. IBM 컨설팅이나 다른 SAP 파트너사를 통해 이를 진행할 수 있다. 또한 IBM은 기존 IT 환경 평가, 데이터 마이그레이션, 자동화된 테스트를 위한 소프트웨어와 서비스 번들인 ‘IBM 트랜스포메이션 스위트 포 SAP 애플리케이션(IBM Transformation Suite for SAP Applications)’을 SAP 파트너사에게 제공할 예정이다.인포테크 리서치(Info-Tech Research)의 자문 실무 책임자인 스콧 비클리는 “이 서비스는 클라우드로 이전해 S/4HANA를 실행하려는 SAP 고객이 IBM 파워 가상 서버를 활용할 수 있는 또 다른 선택지”라고 설명했다.IBM이 언급한 “고유한 이점”IBM 제품 권고문은 “라이즈 위드 SAP는 성과 중심 서비스, SAP S/4HANA 기반의 클라우드 ERP, 그리고 기업 운영 모델을 재고할 수 있는 추가 플랫폼을 통합한다. IBM 파워 가상 서버는 IBM 파워 시스템에서 SAP 환경을 운영하는 기업에게 고유한 이점을 제공하며, 라이즈 위드 SAP로의 빠르고 중단 없는 이전을 위해 설계됐다”라고 밝혔다.IBM이 언급한 “고유한 이점”이란 지금까지의 경험과 전문성을 일컫는다. IBM은 2021년부터 대규모 내부 ERP 현대화 프로젝트를 직접 수행하면서 S/4HANA에 대한 실질적인 경험과 전문성을 확보한 바 있다.IBM은 해당 프로젝트가 “18개월 동안 175개국에서 15만 명 이상의 사용자에게 영향을 미쳤으며, 이 기간 동안 전체 서버 및 데이터 사용량을 합리화하고 프로세스 자동화를 강화해 인프라 비용과 관련 운영 비용을 30% 절감했다. IBM 컨설팅은 이 혁신 작업을 E2E(end-to-end) 방식으로 주도해 복잡한 솔루션을 안전하게 이동하고 실행하는 데 필요한 기술 서비스, 구현 및 애플리케이션 관리 서비스를 제공했다”라고 설명했다.“실용적인 선택지”무어 인사이츠 앤 스트래티지(Moor Insights & Strategy)의 부사장이자 수석 분석가인 로버트 크래머는 “ERP 시스템을 보유한 기업이 경쟁력을 유지하려면 현대화가 필수적이다. 새로운 IBM 파워 가상 서버의 라이즈 위드 SAP 서비스는 이미 IBM을 사용하는 기업에게 실용적인 선택지가 될 것”이라고 언급했다. 그는 또한 “클라우드로의 명확한 경로를 제공하며, IBM의 경험을 바탕으로 90일 만에 SAP S/4HANA 워크로드를 전환하고 30%의 비용 절감 효과를 기대할 수 있다”라고 설명했다.크래머는 “이 서비스는 기업이 SAP 지원 종료에 대비할 수 있도록 확장 지원 옵션을 포함한다. 기업의 현재 SAP 구성, 예산, 클라우드 마이그레이션 준비도 등 여러 요인에 따라 실제 도입 여부가 달라지겠지만, 대부분 SAP와 IBM 파워 시스템에 익숙한 만큼 전환이 덜 부담스러울 수 있다. 변화 관리와 데이터 품질은 전환 과정에서 해결해야 할 핵심 과제일 것”이라고 평가했다.비클리는 시스템 통합의 잠재적 파트너로 IBM 컨설팅이 언급된 것에 대해 “IBM이 인프라 서비스 업체로서 SAP 파트너 네트워크에 편입하려는 기회일 수 있다. IBM의 클라우드 사업이 시장에서 큰 성과를 거두지 못한 만큼 이번 행보는 ‘남은 기회’를 확보하려는 시도로 보인다. 대부분의 클라우드 사업은 애저(Azure)와 AWS가 차지하고 나머지 시장을 GCP(Google Cloud Platform)와 IBM이 나눠 가질 전망”이라고 분석했다[email protected]
Crucial's new DDR5 Pro Overclocking (OC) Gaming Memory ships in 64GB kit with DDR5-6400 speed, while new P510 Gen5 SSD teased with 11GB/sec reads. Continue reading at TweakTown >
Different cultures have their own conventions for naming locations, for example in the United Kingdom there are plenty of places named for monarchs, while in many other countries there are more
Everything you need to solve 'Connections' #578.Connections is the one of the most popular New York Times word games that's captured the public's attention. The game is all about finding the "common threads between words." And just like Wordle, Connections resets after midnight and each new set of ...
Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #1300.Oh hey there! If you're here, it must be time for Wordle. As always, we're serving up our daily hints and tips to help you figure out today's answer.If you just want to be told today's word, you can jump to the bottom of this article for ...
Everything you need to solve Connections Sports Edition #108.Connections: Sports Edition is a new version of the popular New York Times word game that seeks to test the knowledge of sports fans. Like the original Connections, the game is all about finding the "common threads between words." And just like Wordle,
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee.One of the best-written games ever made, BioShock Infinite was infamously a nightmare to work on. It required a herculean effort to complete "Project Icarus" from everyone at Irrational Games, including creative director and lead writer Ken Levine. A critical and commercial success by every metric, within a year of launch, Irrational Games was gone. 2K Games' decision to shutter the studio shocked the entire industry, including Levine.In the latest issue of Edge magazine (thanks, PC Gamer), Levine reflected on the difficult period, part of which stemmed from the drastically increased headcount required, going from BioShock to Infinite (BioShock 2 was developed by 2K Marin, the series' Dark Souls 2 if you will). Despite it all, Infinite received nearly universal acclaim from critics and fans when it was released in 2013 and has sold over 11 million copies since. Levine explains where things went awry:Read the full article on
Every hint, nudge and outright answer you need to complete today's NYT Strands puzzle.If you're reading this, you're looking for a little help playing Strands, the New York Times' elevated word-search game.Strands requires the player to perform a twist on the classic word search. Words can be made from linked letters — up, down, left, right, or diagonal, but words ...
Apache Kafka provides Schema Registry capabilities. There are three types of transitive compatibility. We will analyze their pros and cons. We also provide code examples.
Eggs are considered one of the nine "major food allergens" by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 21, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Capri Holdings Limited (the “Company”)...
Dramatic moments were caught on live TV after a palm tree in front of a house on Vista Street caught fire from a flying ember amid the Sunset Fire.
Dallas scored 21 points to lead the Fighting Irish past the Rollers on Wednesday.
“Be vigilant, these embers can travel a long way, particularly if the wind picks up again,” the mayor said.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 25, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Nextracker Inc. (the “Company”) (NasdaqGS:...
Atin Wright couldn’t find his touch offensively during North Texas’ loss to Memphis last week.
Atin Wright couldn’t find his touch offensively during North Texas’ loss to Memphis last week.
Deni Avdija scored 26 points, Shaedon Sharpe added 21 and the Portland Trail Blazers led from start to finish in a 119-100 victory over the struggling New Orleans Pelicans.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Pascal Siakam scored 26 points, Thomas Bryant added a season-high 22 and two-time All-Star Tyrese Haliburton had 16 points and 13 assists in the Indiana Pacers’ 129-113 victory over the Chicago Bulls on Wednesday night.
Chicola scores goal as No. 11 Westfield shuts out West Essex
New York may be able to erase its recent QB mistakes with one big move.
By Kanishka SinghWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden canceled an upcoming trip to Italy due to the wildfires in California, the White...
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Pascal Siakam scored 26 points, Thomas Bryant added a season-high 22 and two-time All-Star Tyrese Haliburton had 16 points and 13 assists in the Indiana Pacers’ 129-113 victory over the Chicago Bulls on Wednesday night.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 24, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Transocean Ltd. (the “Company”) (NYSE:...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 7, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Marqeta, Inc. (NasdaqGS: MQ), if...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 10, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Cassava Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM: SAVA),...
By Kanishka SinghWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Education Department on Wednesday noted concerns about discrimination against people of Arab and...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 21, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against AstraZeneca PLC (the “Company”) (NasdaqGS:...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 3, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Symbotic Inc. (the “Company”) (NasdaqGM:...
In his fifth annual address, Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear touted the state’s historic private-sector economic investment and encouraged residents — and lawmakers — to rise above political and ideological differences and see each other first as neighbors, not adversaries.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 7, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Kyverna Therapeutics, Inc. (“Kyverna” or...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 14, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against ASML Holding N.V. (NasdaqGS: ASML),...
Ukraine's Western allies will gather with President Volodymyr Zelensky at a US base in Germany on Thursday in their last such meeting before Donald Trump returns to the White House in less than two weeks.
Massive wildfires roaring through the Los Angeles area have left neighborhoods in ruins, killing at least five people and threatening landmarks made famous by Hollywood. Desperate residents escaped Wednesday through flames that spread out of control with help from hurricane-force...
Midway through a three-year plan initiated by Gov. JB Pritzker to move out roughly half the residents of Choate Developmental Center in downstate Anna following years of reported resident abuse, a watchdog report has found “concerning barriers” to achieving Pritzker’s...
Alexis Markowski scored a career-high 28 points and Nebraska got its first win over a ranked team, topping No. 20 Michigan State 85-80. The Cornhuskers made 11 of 16 free throws in the fourth quarter, 17 of 24 in the...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 20, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Visa Inc. (NYSE: V), if...
IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Apple iSports Group, Inc. (OTC-QB: AAPI) (“Company” or “Apple iSports” or “AiS”), a digital sports entertainment and gaming company providing sports betting and streaming solutions, today announced the appointment of Mr. Lyndon...
When the U.S. House approved the Republican-led bill requiring the detention of undocumented immigrants charged with theft-related crimes, two New Jersey Democrats were notably absent from Tuesday's vote.
SÃO PAULO, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Coruripe Netherlands B.V. (the "Offeror"), a private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) organized under the laws of the Netherlands, announces that it is amending the terms of its cash tender offer that commenced on January 2, 2025 (the "Tender Offer") for any and all of the outstanding US$300,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 10.000% senior secured notes due 2027 (the "Notes") issued by the Offeror and guaranteed by S.A. Usina Coruripe Açúcar e Álcool ("Usina Coruripe"), GTW Agronegócios S.A. ("GTW"), R.C.W. Agronegócios Ltda. ("R.C.W."), S.P.F. Agronegócios Ltda. ("S.P.F.") and V.M.W. Agronegócios Ltda. ("V.M.W." and, together with Usina Coruripe, GTW, R.C.W. and S.P.F., the "Guarantors"). Terms not otherwise defined in this press release are defined in the Offer to Purchase.The Tender Offer and the Consent Solicitation, subject to certain terms and conditions set forth in the Offer to Purchase and Consent Solicitation Statement, dated January 2, 2025 (the "Offer to Purchase"), are hereby amended to increase the consideration per $1,000 principal amount of Notes validly tendered and accepted for purchase in the Tender Offer as set forth in the table below (the "Tender Offer Consideration"). As a result of the increase in the Tender Offer Consideration, and in respect of the Notes that are validly tendered at or prior to the Early Tender Deadline (defined below), the new total consideration for the Notes is US$1,010 per $1,000 principal amount of Notes (the "Total Consideration"). There is no change to the Early Tender Payment. These amended terms reflect discussions with Holders representing over 50% of the aggregate principal amount of Notes outstanding.The following table sets forth the amended pricing terms of the Tender Offer and the Consent Solicitation:Description of NotesCUSIP/ISINNumbersOutstanding Principal Amount of Notes(1)Tender Offer Consideration(2)+Early Tender Payment(3)=Total Consideration(4) 10.000% Senior Secured Notes due 2027144A: 22088D AA8 / US22088DAA81Reg S: N2322C AA3 / USN2322CAA38US$300,000,000US$980.00Full story available on
New restaurant could replace The Boathouse at Kitsilano Beach | Eat & Drink Daily Hive
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 25, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Nextracker Inc. (the "Company") (NASDAQ:NXT), if they purchased the Company's shares between February 1, 2024 and August 1, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.Get HelpNextracker investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to discuss your legal options.About ...Full story available on
SAND SPRINGS, Okla., Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Webco Industries, Inc. (OTC: WEBC) today announced the appointment of Mr. Tobin Pospisil as a member of Webco's Board of Directors. Mr. Pospisil's appointment by the Board brings the number of outside...
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 24, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Transocean Ltd. (the "Company") (NYSE:RIG), if they purchased the Company's securities between October 31, 2023 and September 2, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.Get HelpTransocean investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to discuss your legal options.About the LawsuitTransocean and certain of its executives are charged with failing to disclose material information during ...Full story available on
I have a physical record of textiles going back five years. Out of the hundreds of artists in the Pioneer Valley, I am just a drop in the bucket. Not only do the textile artists of Greenfield have enough history in their work to create a collective consciousness, but they also create sources of income, trade and community.
The passing of President Jimmy Carter marks the end of an admirable life dedicated to service, compassion and humanity. While we mourn his loss, we can also reflect on the impact he made, even in his final chapter, by helping to shift the conversation around hospice care.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 21, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Capri Holdings Limited (the "Company") (NYSE:CPRI), if they purchased the Company's shares and/or sold Capri puts between August 10, 2023 and October 24, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.Get HelpCapri Holdings investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to discuss ...Full story available on
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Vatrer Power, the leading Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) product and technology solution provider, is currently showcasing its latest sustainable energy solutions and products for consumer electronics, home energy storage, and electric vehicles at Booth #35906 during CES 2025, held from January 7 to 10 in Las Vegas. "The CES exhibition is not only a platform to highlight our latest products but also an opportunity for us to communicate with global innovators, industry leaders, consumer users, and more. The brand mission of Vatrer Power is 'to make green energy at your fingertips,' and we hope to welcome you to visit us at ...Full story available on
New Seasons Market CEO Nancy LeBold has stepped aside as the Portland grocer creates a new Senior Vice President of Retail role to lead day to day operations.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 14, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against ASML Holding N.V. (NASDAQ:ASML), if they purchased the Company's shares, as well as those that purchased call options and/or sold put options, between January 24, 2024 and October 15, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.Get HelpASML investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 21, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against AstraZeneca PLC (the "Company") (NASDAQ:AZN), if they purchased the Company's securities between February 23, 2022 and December 17, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.Get HelpAstraZeneca investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to discuss your legal options.About the ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 10, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Cassava Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM: SAVA), if they purchased the Company's securities between February 7, 2024 and November 24, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas.Get HelpCassava investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until February 7, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Marqeta, Inc. (NASDAQ:MQ), if they purchased the Company's securities between August 7, 2024 and November 4, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.Get HelpMarqeta investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 27, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Rentokil Initial plc (the "Company") (NYSE:RTO), if they purchased the Company's American Depositary Shares ("ADSs") between December 1, 2023 and September 10, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee.Get HelpRentokil investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to discuss your legal options.About ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 21, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Zeta Global Holdings Corp. ("Zeta" or the "Company") (NYSE:ZETA), if they purchased the Company's securities between February 27, 2024 and November 13, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.Get HelpZeta Global investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 21, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Celsius Holdings, Inc. (the "Company") (NasdaqCM: CELH), if they purchased the Company's shares between February 29, 2024 and September 4, 2024, inclusive (the "Class Period"). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.Get HelpCelsius Holdings investors should visit us at or call toll-free (844) 367-9658. Lawyers at Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are available to discuss your legal options.About the LawsuitCelsius Holdings and certain of its executives are charged ...Full story available on
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors that they have until January 13, 2025 to file lead plaintiff applications in securities class action lawsuits against PACS Group, Inc. (NYSE:PACS), if they purchased or otherwise acquired the Company's a) securities between April 11, 2024 and November 5, 2024 inclusive (the "Class Period"), and/or b) shares pursuant and/or traceable to the registration statement and prospectus (collectively, the "Registration Statement") issued in connection with the Company's April 2024 initial public offering ("IPO"), and/or the Company's September 2024 secondary public offering ("SPO"). These actions are pending in the United States District Court Southern District of New York.Get HelpPACS investors ...Full story available on
Family and friends gathered Wednesday evening outside of Ochsner LSU Health - Academic Medical Center in Shreveport to remember Elana Franks and honor her for donating her organs. An organ donor flag was raised on a flag pole outside the...
Originally appeared on E! OnlineA new Miss America has been crowned.Alabama native Abbie Stockard — who is dating Utah Jazz center Walker Kessler — claimed the title at the 2025 edition of the annual beauty pageant on Jan. 5 in Orlando, Florida, becoming the fourth Miss Alabama to ascend to the role.“This is insane,” Stockard said in a video posted on the organization’s Instagram Stories. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this. Like, holy moly. I’m so excited. I’m so grateful.”And the 22-year-old nursing student, who was also a cheerleader during her tenure at Auburn University, had plenty of support from Kessler, 23, who shared a heartfelt message on social media alongside photos with the newly-crowned pageant queen.“Congratulations Abbie,” the NBA star wrote in an Instagram post Jan. 6, which also included a video of his ecstatic reaction to her victory. “I am so proud of you and everything you stand for. Your hard work and trust in the Lord has awarded you with this incredible opportunity! Use your light to shine on others around you!”Stockard thanked her boyfriend for his encouragement in a comment on his post, writing, “You showing up last night meant the world to me. I’m so thankful for this life journey we get to go on together.”The 97th edition of the pageant saw Stockard prevail over 51 other young hopefuls, who represented each U.S. state, as well as Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. Annette Addo-Yobo, who was notably the first foreign-born Miss Texas, was named runner-up, congratulating her fellow competitor.“So [incredibly] proud of you Abbie,” the Ghanaian native wrote in a post on her Instagram Stories. “I’m so excited to see you change the world! I’m honored to have been at your side and experience this moment with you.”
Zendaya's engagement ring got all the attention at the Golden Globes, but there was another clue marked on her body.
Netflix will be adding the "real-life accounts" inspired horror movie starring Russell Crowe on the streaming service this month
Family and friends of Calvary softball player Elena Franks gathered in front of Ochsner LSU Health on Wednesday night to remember the young organ donor.
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Vatrer Power, the leading Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) product and technology solution provider, is currently showcasing its latest sustainable energy solutions and products for consumer electronics, home energy storage, and electric vehicles at...
The trailer is here for Peacock’s new Saturday Night Live docuseries – SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night! In honor of the 50th anniversary of the late-night show, the streaming service put together a docuseries. It features appearances from famous cast members and offers “a behind-the-scenes look at some of the American late-night comedy institutions most iconic [...]
The Hour was described as 'The Crown meets Mad Men' when it hit screens in 2011, and it seems the British drama is still a hit with viewers today
Massive wildfires roaring through the Los Angeles area have left neighborhoods in ruins, killing at least five people and threatening landmarks made famous by Hollywood. Desperate residents escaped Wednesday through flames that spread out of control with help from hurricane-force...
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Alexis Markowski scored a career-high 28 points and Nebraska got its first win over a ranked team, topping No. 20 Michigan State 85-80 on Wednesday night.
Celebrities among those who lost homes as devastating Los Angeles fires
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Taylor Heise scored her second goal of the season at 3:20 of overtime to lift the Minnesota Frost to a 2-1 victory over the Boston Fleet on Wednesday night.
Chicago Med Season 10 Episode 9 hit every emotional note, reminding us why we fell so hard for this show in the first place. Our review!
NHL postpones LA Kings' home game against Calgary due to wildfires while NFL, NBA monitor situation
WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Brent Rooker and the Athletics finalized a $60 million, five-year contract on Wednesday for the designated hitter and outfielder.
Family and friends of Elana Franks gathered outside of Ochsner LSU Health - Academic Medical Center in Shreveport, La., Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, to remember her and honor her as an organ donor. Franks sustained injuries she could not survive...
Family and friends of Elana Franks gathered outside of Ochsner LSU Health - Academic Medical Center in Shreveport, La., Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, to remember her and honor her as an organ donor. Franks sustained injuries she could not survive...
UW researchers have developed IRIS, a smart ring that allows users to point and click to control smart devices. The prototype Bluetooth ring contains a small camera which sends an image of the selected device to the user's phone. The user can control the device clicking a small button or -- for devices with gradient controls, such as a speaker's volume -- rotating the ring.
Birds make sounds to communicate, whether to find a potential mate, ward off predators, or just sing for pleasure. But the conditions that contribute to the immense diversity of the sounds they make are not well understood. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have conducted the first-ever global study of the factors that influence bird sounds, using more than 100,000 audio recordings from around the world.
St. Jude bioinformaticists created a machine-learning algorithm capable of scaling with these single-cell data repositories to deliver more accurate results. Published in Cell Genomics.
In Boyle Heights, a predominantly Hispanic/Latino neighborhood, residents face disproportionate exposure to toxic air pollution, which is linked to chronic illnesses like asthma and heightened mortality risks. A recent study explored what motivated these organizers and the hurdles they faced in their civic engagement efforts.
Live coverage: SpaceX to launch Starshield satellites for the NRO on Falcon 9 rocket from California Spaceflight NowFalcon 9 launch from Vandenberg Space Force Base announced for Thursday evening KEYTFalcon 9 Block 5 | NROL-153 Everyday AstronautSpaceX to launch NROL-153 mission Thursday SatNewsSpaceX Set To Launch Another Spy Satellite From Vandenberg KVTA
Here's what the cataclysmic situation looks like from space.
The launch is the first of about half a dozen missions planned to expand the National Reconnaissance Office’s proliferated architecture satellite constellation. Liftoff from pad 4 East at Vandenberg Space Force Base is set for 7:52 p.m. PST (10:52 p.m. EST, 0352 UTC).
Prolonged drought, an exceptionally dry winter and powerful Santa Ana winds set up a dangerous triple whammy of extreme conditions that have fueled several out-of-control wildfires in the Los Angeles area.
Advances in data availability and accessibility have resulted in a groundbreaking new study on wild animal hunting in African tropical forests. It suggests that the commercial trade in wild-sourced meat is increasing, and highlights the urgent need for countries to develop robust frameworks to ensure hunting and trade is sustainable in a growing commercialized sector.
Argonne National Laboratory recently hosted the Climate Smart Women Energy Leaders (CSWEL) training program, part of the Net Zero World Initiative. The program equips women from around the world with knowledge and tools to advance sustainable energy solutions.
Demand for water to fight the Palisades Fire led all three of the area's water tanks and some fire hydrants to temporarily dry up in the last roughly 24 hours.
International research involving the University of Adelaide has found almost 30,000 wild species have been traded in the United States, according to data captured by US wildlife trade monitoring organisation Law Enforcement Manage Information System.
The fast-moving Palisades fire in Los Angeles has destroyed homes, forcing tens of thousands to evacuate as flames spread at an alarming rate. ...
On January 22, 2025, from 3 PM – 5 PM Eastern Time, the Space Biology and Physical Sciences programs within NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division will host a webinar to discuss the E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies and E.12 Physical Sciences Research Studies program elements recently released under Research Opportunities in Space and [...]The post NASA SMD Biological and Physical Sciences Pre-Proposer’s Townhall appeared first on Astrobiology.
Leona M. Flores, PhD, has been named vice president of research operations at Sanford Burnham Prebys. She will elevate the research capacity of the institute by working with faculty and other scientists to ensure successful execution of research projects and reducing the increasingly complex administrative burden of research.
Pluto May Have Captured Its Biggest Moon After an Ancient Dance and Kiss The New York TimesCapture of an ancient Charon around Pluto‘Kiss and capture’: scientists offer new theory on how Pluto got its largest moon The GuardianHow Pluto captured its largest moon Charon with a 10-hour icy 'kiss' Space.comImage of the week: Pluto and Charon's fascinating embrace Le Monde